Difficult to gulp it down |
The scale read eighty two. I shifted from one leg to another, but it refused to budge, with the obstinacy of a child refusing to put the chocolate back in the fridge. The last one kg was temporary, I tried to console myself, with all those festivals and sweets in this season, but it has never been temporary in the past. I wished my portfolio stock charts looked like my weight chart over the years. There were always excuses why it happened -the stress of working in a hedge fund, the late night snacks, the festivals, the injuries which kept me away from playing games multiple times, but truth of the matter was - I was just lazy and health hadn't been the top priority, irrespective of what I had liked to believe. Now having quit work, atleast for this year, it was time to get serious about health. It was time to detox.
Not the juices I had in mind |
Colon Cleansing :-( |
The image one gets after reading the detox Programme details is one where one would be sitting on the beach while getting served endless varieties of juices, mixed with some herbs, and soups and salads, with a little yoga here and little massage there. Little did I realize that the bentonite shake meant I would be drinking volcanic ash with psyllium, the juices are so watered down that only the color gives away its ancestry, the soup is a tasteless broth, and the herbs are specially prepared to make me wish I never needed detox again, and i better not put the details of other cleansing therapies on my blog! I really hope this works. Well the good news is, so far I am feeling better, despite the occasional cleansing reactions, and though I haven't lost much weight, atleast I am moving in reverse gear after a long time!
Yoga every day |
Despite their Thai accents making their instructions some what funny and confusing (feet on the flog, lept hand to the lite chin etc), I like the yoga teacher here. He understands his audience's limitations, stretches them just to the point of challenge they can overcome, varying his routine and taking the whole class along. Definitely better than the real yoga classes I had joined where the instructions were in equally bad accent, and the instructors were showing off what they can do and expected every one to follow them. The class is literally on the beach here, so makes for a nice setting.
Massage on the beach |
The most awesome are the massages. Luckily, I negotiated two per day before joining the Programme. Next to the beach, where you can hear the waves splashing across the shores, and gentle wind rustling though the coconut trees, the masseus takes care of every knot and every muscle in the body, making the stress and the pain melt away. The body is detoxing. Next on agenda is detoxing the mind. That's why going for vipassana in a couple of weeks is my next big step.
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